How to face exams? , First of its kind, was organized by Wadihuda Womens Academe for all the students on its campus today (14 February 2019). Prasanna Kumari, Staff Secretary welcomed the gathering. Resource person Mr. Ani Vadakke Purayil M.Com,M.Ed, NET in Education and Commerce, (Assistant Professor) serving in Kannur University Teacher Education Centre, Dr. Mishab Irikkur, Principal of Wadihuda Womens Academe and Mr. Abdussalam Nadwi, Vice Principal were present on the occasion. Dr.Mishab Irikkur, in his address, stressed on the importance of planning, preparation, and dedication to achieve the good marks in the examinations. Mr.Ani Vadakkepurayil, a personality with profound knowledge about learning and exam performance interacted with the students. He gave prolific and detailed ideas about learning and also briefed the tips to excel in the examinations. Through his enlightening words he fascinated the young minds and widened their understanding in the prospects of their performance in the examination and also clarified the doubts outpoured from inquisitive students. Mr.Muhammad Sahad,Assistant Professor , Psychology Department, Coordinated the program. Ms. Faheema T recited Quranic words in the beginning of the programme and Ms. Zainab Faiza, General Secretary, Wadihuda Womens Academe Students Union proposed the vote of thanks.